For our further readings day, feel free to explore an interest of your own in relation to the seminar themes. You do not have to pick directly from the list of further reading below. You may pick an author we’ve read earlier in the semester and read more of their stuff. You may read essays or authors I’ve referenced in the keywords entries. You may pick a novel or other significant artwork to explore. You may use your own research to pick reading selections, or you may choose texts from below.
I have listed a mix of books, journal issues, articles, chapters, and interviews that touch on topics relevant to our themes. If you choose from below, you may read a complete book or journal issue, or pick key selections from either; read a mix of articles/book introductions from within one sublist; or mix interesting pieces from across areas.
We will meet next week and try to articulate how our independent reading dovetailed or diverged from the debates we’ve been tracking over the semester. Generally, I would suggest reading at least the equivalent of 2-3 articles so that there will be some traction to the discussion.
I do not have all of the further reading texts in my possession, but I tried to do what I can to make most of them available to you. Some books are available for free if you set up an account on Feel free to email me to add further texts or topics that might fit.
Recent writings concerning the human/inhuman/posthuman in critical race, indigenous, and postcolonial studies
Book: Alexander Weheliye, Habeas Viscus (2014). Full text on UNC libraries website. I also have one paperback copy to lend.
Book: Glen Coulthard, Red Skins, White Masks (2014). I have the UNC library paperback copy and can lend it.
Book: Timothy Brennan, Borrowed Light: Vico, Hegel, and the Colonies (2014). Introduction is free on the Stanford UP website. Alternatively, complete the readings for the Brennan/Ganguly seminar happening next week at Duke.
Feminist Science Studies
Manifesto: Donna Haraway, A Manifesto for Cyborgs (1985)
Book: Donna Haraway, Primate Visions (1989). I have one paperback copy to lend.
Journal Issue: “Feminist Theory out of Science,” differences (2012)
Political Ecology
Book: Jason Moore, Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital (2015)
Book: Arturo Escobar, Territories of Difference (2008). Full text online at UNC libraries plus multiple library copies available for checkout.
Book: Arun Agrawal, Environmentality (2005)
Literary/Visual Posthumanism
Book: Rob Nixon, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor (2011). Full text on the UNC libraries website.
Journal Issue: “Visualizing the Environment,” Public Culture (2014)
Book: Susan McHugh, Animal Stories: Narrating Across Species Lines (2011). Currently available for checkout at UNC library.
Book: Anat Pick, Creaturely Poetics: Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film (2011)
Manifesto: Uncertain Commons, Speculate This! (2013). Available for $2 online or I can electronically lend one copy of my Kindle edition.
Viscera (food, excrement, erotics, substance)
Article: Zilkia Janer, “(In)Edible Nature,” Cultural Studies (2007)
Book: Parama Roy, Alimentary Tracts: Appetites, Aversions, and the Postcolonial (2010). Full text available online through UNC libraries and one copy currently available for checkout.
Journal Issue: “On the Visceral,” GLQ (2015, double issue, plus short ‘Bocados’ available on the editors’ blog)
Biopolitics, Health, and the Contemporary Life Sciences
Book: Melinda Cooper, Life as Surplus (2009). Full text available online through UNC libraries.
Book: Kaushik Sundar Rajan, Biocapital (2010)
Article: Bruce Braun, “Biopolitics and the Molecuralization of Life,” Cultural Geographies (2007)
Article: Niklas Rose and Carlos Novas, “Biological Citizenship” (2002)
Chapter: Tim Dean, “Breeding Cultures,” Chapter 1 of Unlimited Intimacy: Reflections on the Subculture of Barebacking (2009). I can electronically lend one copy of my Kindle edition.
Animal Studies
Journal Issue: “Interspecies,” Social Text (2011)
See the keyword for a bunch of essays and books I’ve referenced, especially the list of articles on postcolonial animal studies at the end of the entry.
Design (Disability, Space, Sustainability)
Book: Tony Fry, Becoming Human By Design (2012)
Book: John Ehrenfield, Sustainability By Design (2008)
Interview: Eyal Weisman in conversation with Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin, “Matters of Calculation: The Evidence of the Anthropocene,” Architecture in the Anthropocene (2013). Book is free online.
Article: Peter Redfield, “Bioexpectations: Life Technologies as Humanitarian Goods,” Public Culture (2012)
Article: Aimie Hamraie, “Universal Design Research as New Materialist Practice,” Disability Studies Quarterly (2012)
Interview: Sara Hendren in conversation with Georgiana Kleege, “The White Cane as Technology” (2013). Free online from The Atlantic.